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Promotions List

The Promotions List will display Promotions and use the following columns.


Code – Keeps the promotions in order.

Description – Displays the Description of the Promotion.

Group – Displays the Description of the Promotion.

Discount- Can see what Discount Option is used.

Date Range – Show the start and end date range of the Promotion.

Time Range – Will show the Time Range or show All Day if Continuous.

Days – Will show which days have been set or Every Day if Continuous.

Selection Range – Will show the Selection Range for which POS Terminals, Locations, Sites or Price Levels will use the Promotion or will be left blank for all.

Cust Type Range – Will show the Customer Type Range for the Promotion or will be left blank for all.

Priority – Used to set which Promotion has Priority.



Expired Promotions

Promotion Priority Level

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